6 Types Of Plants Suitable For Flower Garden Minimalist House

House Dreams Ideas - Build garden home is not easy, need to be cooked so that the calculation of the garden of the House in accordance with its functions, as a means of Painkiller tired after activity. Not just in terms of structuring and techniques of planting, you also need to be selective in choosing plants.

Many people have not yet realized the importance of crop planting flowers in the garden of the House. Flower plants an important part for children, giving a special land to plant flowers is a must. Because the plant flowers are a great sweetener garden needs to get more land portion. Following 6 plant flowers that need to be present in Your Home Garden:

Lobelia Flower

In addition to having the color and shape of the flowers, the Lobelia flower is easy to grow and bloom every year. There are about 300-400 kinds of lobelia in the world, with many color variations, such as blue, yellow, purple, white, and pink. Despite the many variations in color, flower lovers prefer the color purple and blue for planting in the garden of their home.
Over the shape and the color of the flower, Lobelia is also believed to be able to treat a variety of medical disorders, such as asthma and muscle disorders.

Begonia Flower

Begonia For the home garden land limited, a Begonia plant is the right choice. Because this type of flower plants can grow well with just planted it in a hanging in pots. It also has a kind of flower color variation that is much, much more than that his seed is also very easy to find. There was one tip when planted a begonia, you need a good crop of drainage, a fertile land, sufficient sunlight.

Lantana Flower

Lantana Lantana is a type of flower that blooms all summer and fall. The flowers are known to have a wide color variation has the size of a small but growing shell group. Due to its growing group, Lantana is perfect if planted in a way was hanged.

Fucshia Flower

If you are interested in planting a Fuchsia in the Park home, make sure you are the person who is diligent for even soaked it. Because this type of flowers grows only in areas that are damp and cold. Care with fertilizing every two weeks once indispensable to the growth of healthy flowers. Fuchsia bloom period varies, in normal conditions, these flowers bloom in March and April.

Sweet Alyssum Flower

Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum is a flower bloom each year and produces small group charming flowers. Comes in a variety of colors, such as white, pink, purple, yellow and purple, these flowers have a distinctive aroma.

Sweet Alyssum suitable planted as a garden border, between the rock garden and in containers that hang once did. Make sure this type of interest gets sufficient sunlight, it is very important to the establishment of interest quickly.

Petunia Flower

There are 35 types of flowers Petunia that grows in the world, and all its kind deserves to be planted in the garden of your home. In addition, to bloom repeatedly in the summer, these flowers can also bring the atmosphere of the day Recalling the aroma of whose strong. Cascadia and Surfinia Petunia type flower are the best that can be of your choice.

Hopefully, this brief info can help you in determining a suitable plant for your home garden, minimalist. So the views of the House into a fresh, cool and fascinating every day.
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